- Students, are you Career Ready upon Graduation? | Career Ready.AI

Description: Prepare for a career using artificial intelligence. Employers have difficulty finding skilled candidates, Career Ready .AI is on a mission to help students become career-ready upon graduation.

graduates (131) 360 feedback (38) university students (32) career readiness (11) 360 assessments (9) 360 degree assessment (8) career ready (3) student at university (3) career development platform (3) self-managed programs (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Career Ready is designed to measure the research-based Career Readiness 360 assessment developed with 8 competencies by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) .  To view Sample Analytics Read More…

Emotional Intelligence (EQ), based on the pioneering research of Goleman, Salovey, and Meyer, assesses an individual’s capacity to recognize, comprehend, and regulate their own emotions, as well as those of others. To view Sample Analytics Read More…

Social Intelligence 360, drawing from the research of Merrill and Reid on social styles, is tailored to assist individuals in recognizing and comprehending their unique social styles. This knowledge can significantly enhance communication and foster healthier relationships with others, making it a valuable tool for personal development. To view Sample Analytics Read More…

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