The following demonstrations utilize Owl-ViT for open-vocabulary object detection.
We present Adaptive Skill Coordination (ASC) -- an approach for accomplishing long-horizon tasks (e.g., mobile pick-and-place, consisting of navigating to an object, picking it, navigating to another location, placing it, repeating). ASC consists of three components -- (1) a library of basic visuomotor skills (navigation, pick, place), (2) a skill coordination policy that chooses which skills are appropriate to use when, and (3) a corrective policy that adapts pre-trained skills when out-of-distribution sta
From its initial location, the robot navigates to a receptacle located at (x, y, θ)_pick, searches for and picks a target object amongst the clutter. It then navigates to the place receptacle corresponding to the object, located at (x, y, θ)_place and places the object at the target place location (x, y, z)_tgt.