Description: Animation, design, graphics & technology for the W3 (the worldwide web).
design (78126) web (36787) website (32645) technology (16934) animation (10880) graphics (5769) tech (4700) technologies (1139) advanced (934) w3 (34)
Welcome to ADGTW ...
If you are interested in my animation, illustration or graphic design skills, I would be more than happy to speak with you on a one & one basis.
I have a small portfolio at Behance and a small catalog of logos which I have made public: Logos by DP on Facebook . I have designed a few freeware fonts that I distribute through font-journal , and if you search my name there ( Doug Peters' Freeware Fonts on Font-Journal ), you will find all the original fonts that I have created and officially released. There are examples of the photography I have done at Extended Holiday and Webmastery . I also have a personal portfolio website, Doug Peters .