- A Diary of a Mad Woman

water (6008) swimming (1783) oscars (68) my love (7) water of my life (1) princess maddy (1) pajama princess (1) rockin the tutu (1) that's a crown silly. (1) damn those meatballs (1)

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I know a place where no one ever goes There’s peace and quiet, beauty and repose It’s hidden in a valley beside a mountain stream And lying there beside it I find that I can dream.

All my life I’ve had a love affair with water. Swimming lessons and wading pools were only the beginning.

Vacations almost always included bodies of water. My grandmother’s home in North Carolina had the coldest mountain stream running past it. Hours were spent creating pools and tiny waterfalls with the rocks we found. If we went to visit her in Florida or Texas, the trip was planned around how many days could be spent at the beach. As a child I would tirelessly chase the retreating frothy waves into the ocean, excitedly running towards safety as the water would turn back and nip at my ankles.