- Celestial Drum Tendai Buddhist Sangha | Buddhist Practice and Teachings in the Adirondack Mountains

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YU–seed syllable of Maitreya Bodhisattva of unconditional loving kindness

Twenty five hundred years ago a young prince in what is now northern India was living a life of luxury, comfort and prosperity. As he approached manhood, he began paying attention to the lives of other people and saw that nearly everyone was discontented in one way or another. Some people were truly suffering from the effects of sickness, old age or impending death. He noticed that those who had temporarily escaped such physical suffering still went through life with feelings of sorrow, dissatisfaction and

There was, however, one person he saw who appeared to be free from the sorrows of life, someone who could bear change and suffering with serenity. This person was a wandering monk who had dedicated himself to a lifelong spiritual journey to liberate himself from suffering. The young prince, weighed down by the sorrows of the people he saw and inspired by the example of the wandering monk, decided to abandon his life of comfort and privilege to begin his own quest to understand the reasons for suffering and,