- Działania niepożądane leków i suplementów

Description: Zgłoś działania niepożądane leków, suplementów i ich zażywania. Zgłoszenie wystąpienia niepożądanego działania produktu leczniczego/suplementu diety/wyrobu medycznego.

leki (118) skutki uboczne (3) działania niepożądane (1) działanie niepożądane leku (1) skutki uboczne leków (1) działanie leków (1) efekty uboczne (1) działania uboczne (1) efekty leku (1) zażywanie leku (1)

Example domain paragraphs portal was created for all people who are able and willing to share information on pharmacotherapy. So far, adverse drug reaction was reported by people associated with medicine (doctors, pharmacists, nurses), now it can and should be done by any patient.

Program is dedicated to all people who take medications and would like to report adverse drug reaction of their use. This is for all who are not indifferent to the fate of general as well as individual.

When reporting an adverse drug reaction, you can watch your filing status.