- French internet service provider for English speakers in France. Phonexpat

Description: Since 2001, we've been experts in French telecom services for UK citizens residing in France. Join over 10,000 satisfied customers who have chosen to rely on us! Discover French fiber optic and French ADSL broadband in English.

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Contact us : 0033 (0)130 611 772           I nternet Broadband French ADSL Broadband internet from Phonexpat in English. If you are looking for great quality French Internet from the French broadband experts then join Phonexpat. We offer a fast, reliable connection, helpful English customer support. Get the best for both 'Quality of Connection' and 'Ease of use'   L andline & Calls You STOP paying your line rental to France Telecom and you call for free. Our international and french rates are cheaper than t

It's like being home abroad.   Phonexpat | French Broadband | Broadband-in-france | French ADSL | ADSL in France  Tous droits réservés STRAGEX  

It’s that simple !

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