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Description: Resources for UK adults who think they might have ADHD, including a directory of specialists and FREE online test

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ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - is agreed by most to be a neurodevelopmental condition and is currently estimated to affect around 4% of the adult population - that's 1 person in every 25! Many UK adults remain undiagnosed from childhood, despite having exhibited over-activity, inattentiveness and impulsivity, often leading to problems controlling their behaviour. And it's now thought that around 25% of adults already diagnosed with some other common mental health issues may also have ADHD

It’s not too tricky to identify ADHD in kids but most adults display more subtle signs, having had lots of time to develop various tricks to cover up their ADHD!

This website offers a number of FREE resources, particularly aimed at adults who think they might have ADHD. These include a simple online test ( you can take this anonymously and it's approved by the World Health Organisation ). This may help you to see whether you might be undiagnosed.

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