- Being an Amateur/Adult Tennis Athlete | Living a Tennis inspired Life

Description: Living a Tennis inspired Life

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I could have just read the quote below a decade back. But the profoundness would have been lost on me, had it not been for the game of tennis which has provided the backdrop and metaphor for the journey. Sometimes, makes me wonder how the past decade would have been, if not for that one serendipitous weekend!

It’s like flowing down a river, allowing the currents to carry you while also using your oar to correct yourself.

I found tennis by serendipity on a summer day, roughly a decade back, while browsing the internet. My online wandering had led me to the website of a local community tennis center. There, I stumbled upon a ‘Beginners’ group drill that weekend. At the drill, I first learnt the term ‘top spin’, a real wonder to me then. I watched in awe as the Coach demonstrated the ‘magic’ and some of my fellow drill-mates seemed to be easily getting it. And, there I was wondering if I will ever get it, swinging hard and fas