- Advanced Medicals Ltd

Description: Advanced Medicals Ltd: Bespoke OH Solutions

health and safety (485) case management (265) occupational health (136) occupational medicine (57) bespoke solutions (46) absenteeism (15) health surveillance (12) equality act (5) london oh (1) sickness absence (1)

Example domain paragraphs

When we work with you as a client we will establish your exact needs and work out service solutions within your budget range that are in line with your company culture, your company's specific sickness absence pattern and typical work hazards encountered in your industry. We are an approachable and friendly OH service provider and would like to hear from you to help you improve sickness absence and make your company a healthier, safer and more productive work place. 

This is where we can help your business:

If you are unsure about your Occupational Health (OH) requirements click our checklist below and decide if your business has appropriate OH cover.