- Elsewhere: Land of Lost Things

elsewhere (7) lost things (2) melz (1) tabby cat productions (1) aelzwyr (1)

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You got lost, yes? Going Somewhere and lost your way. Turned a corner and now you say the things you see simply shouldn't be. The things you know just aren't there. You took a wrong turn, ended up in Elsewhere. - Bill

Maybe not today, maybe not even yesterday or ten days ago, maybe it's been years, maybe decades, but at some point you lost yourself and found a whole new world - the world of Aelzwyr.

Here nothing is impossible and most of it is much more probable than you're used to things being. You see, Aelzwyr is made up of all kinds of different places and things. Lost places. Lost Things. Lost people from anywhere and anywhen can end up in Aelzwyr as she is a world of lost things, from everywhen and everywhere.