- Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI)

Description: Foundations for a biophysics of massfree energy. Experimental and theoretical research into its nature, types. metrics, and relation to massbound energy

charge (274) ether (182) aether (47) massless (5) paulo correa (4) alexandra correa (4) alex pollock (4) aetherometry (4) massfree (4) massbound (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Keywords: Paulo Correa, Alexandra Correa, Alex Pollock, Aetherometry, aether, ether, massfree, massless, massbound, charge, antigravity, graviton, electron, photon, biophysics, orgone, plasma, PAGD, abnormal glow discharge, overunity, converter, inverter, electroscope, synchronicity, simultaneity, space, time, water, oxygen, creation, relativity, Deleuze, Reich, Einstein, Tesla, Aspden, Nietzsche, alternative energy, excess power, conversion system, vacuum arc, auto-electronic emission, IVAD, latent heat, g

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