- Africa's Blog - Two moms & Two daughters - sharing life, travels and more!

Description: South African expat. Minnesota resident. Wife & Mom. Accountant by day, fearless Blogger by night. Cheetos & Mountain Dew enthusiast who believes stickers make the world a better place.

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Two moms & Two daughters - sharing life, travels and more!

While I do find it almost impossible to believe, Gradie recently turned six. When we started inquiring about where she would like to have her birthday party she stated she wanted a SWIMMING birthday party. She does have a summer party so we thought we could make this happen, but then concern started creeping in,… [Continue Reading]

World Premiere of Corduroy Begins March 6; Already Extends One Week Due to Popular Demand Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of the Book I cannot wait to take Gradie to see Corduroy at the Children’s Theatre Company (CTC) in Minneapolis.  Growing up we read this book, and now we get to share our love of it… [Continue Reading]