- Africa Wildlife Medical Center – Wildlife Medical Specialists

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You can make a difference! Become part of a team of amazing people who are working towards a sustainable, state of the art medical facility that will help to conserve the rich wildlife of Southern Africa.

You can make a difference! Donate Now You can make a difference! Donate Now Africa Wildlife Medical Center AFRICA WILDLIFE MEDICAL CENTRE NPC, Registration number: 2021/333083/08 (“AWMC”) was incorporated on 18 January 2021 as a Non – Profit Company (NPC) in terms of the Companies Act, Act 56 of 2008.

The purpose and objectives of the AWMC is to engage in conservation, environment and animal welfare and in particular but not limited to establish a wildlife medical center, that will be available to serve the needs of all veterinarians , wildlife owners, care takers and rehabilitators of wildlife.

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