- Ag-Renewal, Inc.

Description: Native Grass Seed Harvester - We have been manufacturing and marketing the FLAIL-VAC since 1982, meeting the needs of the NATIVE GRASS SEED INDUSTRY, helping many Federal and State government agencies in the RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION of NATURAL HABITATS for the benefit of wildlife and many endangered species.

Example domain paragraphs

The Flail-Vac is a hydraulically powered rotary brush harvester that attaches to a tractor’s front-end loader. The brush creates a vacuum, pulling the seed head into the brush. The brush then removes the seed and deposits it in the hopper

Independent Hydraulic System

The Power Unit is a PTO Pump Powered independent hydraulic system, completely independent of the tractors' hydraulic system. With this system we avoid overheating the tractors hydraulic system and it eliminates the blowing of seals in the hydraulic motor powering the brush.