Description:,agcnn online Internship,agcnn Training program (Agastya Global Communication & News Network), a unit of AVIS (Agastya Voice and Infotainment Services Pvt. Ltd.)
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AGCNN (Agastya Global Communication & News Network), a unit of AVIS (Agastya Voice and Infotainment Services Pvt. Ltd.), promotes major media and communication media like web media, new media etc. This network has been established to create a new pillar of communication in the country and the world. It emphasizes on empowering everyone in the field of journalism through new media and provides a platform for everyone to express their views and opinion. AGCNN establishes a world-class network of communication
AGCNN (Agastya Global Communication & News Network), a unit of AVIS (Agastya Voice and Infotainment Services Pvt. Ltd.), promotes major media and communication media like web media, new media etc. It emphasizes on lively and dynamic information media.
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