- AGE'IN (Age independently) / European project (Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën)

Description: European project (Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zee¨n). The AGE’IN project is targeting at developing actions so that elderly people can improve their quality of life and stay longer at home, thanks to housing and public space adaptation and thanks to social isolation prevention.

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The aging of the population is one of the major challenges in Europe. The proportion of seniors is expected to increase in the coming years, as well as the number of people with dependencies. The AGE’IN project is developing actions so that older people can improve their quality of life and stay at home longer , thanks to housing and public space adaptation and also social isolation prevention.

AGE’IN partners face common challenges in terms of ageing, lack of actions towards the loss of autonomy and inappropriate housing conditions. A major bottleneck is the slowness of the society to switch from active care to prevention activities. Pooling together resources and sharing knowledge and good practices are crucial to reduce the existing gap between France and the UK on one hand and Belgium and the Netherlands on the other hand, with respect to the share of housing appropriated for elderly.

AGE'IN European project (Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën) - - Webmaster contact : [email protected] - © 2023