Description: {:en}Cow mattress and animal friendly free stalls increase the time that cows can ruminate. Easy steps increase your return on investment!{:}{:fr}Matelas, Equipement d'etable{:}{:nl}Koematrassen en flexibele ligboxen verhogen het koe comfort. Agriprom biedt sterke en voordelige koematrassen!{:}
mats (307) cow mat (8) koematras (7) cowmattress (5) {:en}cow mattress (5) rubber mats{:}{:nl}koematrassen (5) rubbermatten{:} (5) {:en}cow mattress rubber mats{:}{:nl}koematrassen rubbermatten{:}
Agriprom is specialized in dairy farming for more than 25 years and we offer complete solutions for dairy farmers. We equipe barns according to the principle of Total Cow Comfort: reasoning from the cow’s needs while taking into accounts the demands of the dairy farmer. This results in comfortable a cow mattress, rubber mats, animal friendly free stalls and many other products.
Read more about Total Cow Comfort
Exhibitions 2022