- Artur Grochal

Description: Artur Grochal

frontend developer (422) backend developer (130) gci (59) artur (52) web developer portfolio (26) programmer portfolio (4) google code-in (3) artur grochal (1) grochal (1)

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I'm Artur Grochal, 20-year-old Programmer, Full Stack Web Developer and Entrepreneur. I attend competitions, hackathons and meetups e.g. Google Code-in, Hack The North or Facebook Developer Circles. I'm keen on watching movies and reading books, especially about technologies or startups. I like learning about security and solve logic puzzles.

I'm Artur Grochal, 21-year-old Programmer, Full Stack Web Developer and Entrepreneur. I attend competitions, hackathons and meetups e.g. Google Code-in, Hack The North or Facebook Developer Circles. I'm keen on watching movies and reading books, especially about technologies or startups. I like learning about security and solve logic puzzles.