ahrichardson.com - A. H. Richardson | Jorie and the Magic Stones, Jorie and the Gold Key, Jorie and the River of Fire, Murder in Little Shendon &

Description: Welcome to the website of A.H. Richardson, Author of Murder on Baringo Island, Murder at Serenity Farm,  ACT ONE, Scene One ---Murder, Jorie and the Golden Key and Murder in Little Shendon.  Jorie and the Magic Stones, Jorie and the Golden Key, and Jorie and the River of Fire are all available on Amazon.com &…

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Welcome to the website of A.H. Richardson, Author of Murder on Baringo Island , Murder at Serenity Farm,   ACT ONE, Scene One —Murder , Jorie and the Golden Key and Murder in Little Shendon .  Jorie and the Magic Stones, Jorie and the Golden Key, and Jorie and the River of Fire are all available on Amazon.com & Barnes & Noble. Murder in Little Shendon is now available on Amazon.com

Illustrations by Jeff Preston, 2014-2016.

Imagine a world where dragons fly, mysterious cats can talk, and beauty lives in abundance.  But something sinister is waiting…