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The AIMS Conference Series on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

This conference series is a biennial event which periodically provides a forum for mathematicians and scientists worldwide working in the ever growing field of analysis and applied analysis, including dynamical systems, differential equations, and real-world applications. The conferences in this series, "Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations," take place in different regions to benefit the most people possible. Five characteristics of this conference series make it unique and outstanding:

(1) broad coverage so that each participant can find numerous enlightening talks; (2) well-organized symposiums which attract the best experts of the world in the chosen areas; (3) arranging each conference to take place in a different region to benefit the most people; (4) organized by the professional organization AIMS, which is backed up by hundreds of supporters, to guarantee a high quality and large participation; and (5) proceedings which are published by AIMS as added volumes to one of its journals t