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Description: Find a certified commercial real estate appraiser near you. Professional nationwide property and appraisal services from one of the top licensed appraisers.

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Real-Time Solution for all appraisal scheduling needs. Whether you are an appraiser, lender, AMC, Attorney, Real Estate Agent, Homeowner, or Appraiser, is the most efficient way for appraisers to track appraisals. is a new and exciting platform to find, communicate, track and receive your appraisal orders from Real Estate Appraisers.

Before you start making dozens of calls or sending out mass emails to find an appraiser with the best turn time, allows all AMC’s, and Banks to sort the appraisers by the soonest turn time on their panel in any one area throughout the US.A. In any state. This one feature alone saves your company enough money in found time in one day to more than make up for the small monthly fee to use

Using our platform will make it easier for appraisers to communicate bids, open assignments from beginning to end. It will even notify your clients of upcoming or overdue assignments as well as tracking payments. Easy notes and communication for each assignment. Easy updating process on any computer or phone for tasks from creation to completion.