Description: 'Air et Santé vous propose une gamme de purificateurs d\'air qui s\'adapte à vos besoins. Satisfait ou remboursé, vous avez jusqu'à 30 jours pour tester !'
Allergy is a hypersensitivity of the organism to substances, generally harmless and that exist in the environment. These substances, called allergens, can be found in the air and are called aero-allergens or air allergens. They are found in animal hair, mites, pollens, molds, but also in chemicals from paints, lacquers, glues, perfumes….
Less known but just as harmful to the body, there are allergenic particles in the cooking steam, and in some volatile foods due to their weight (flour, for instance). All these fine particles can be filtered and captured by HEPA filters and activated carbon filter of which we have equipped our air purifiers.
Our pets, which are very close to us, release many allergens that can be highly volatile. Purifying the air and your environment of these particles is therefore important. They nestle at the base of their hairs, in their saliva and urine and, once deposited, they remain active for several months.