- Airvolute – AI-driven autonomous unmanned systems

Description: Hardware and software for efficient industrial grade AI-powered drone applications.

Example domain paragraphs

Vehicles Commercial Industrial grade drones for commercial use with advanced AI-driven capabilities. Deliver goods, conduct regular surveillance, automate stocktaking, report unusual behavior, carry equipment, and much more.

Indoor and outdoor operation Modular payload Autonomous operation with no pilot required Vehicles Tactical Resilient autonomous vehicles optimized for law enforcement, rescue, and defense industry use cases. Analyze video stream, find and identify objects, schedule a swarm flight, extend radio signal, tag geographical coordinates, and much more.

Advanced object detection Radio-silent mode GPS-denied operation Designed & made in Europe Vehicles Education Do not miss a learning opportunity with autonomous vehicles optimized for education purposes. Benefit from open architecture, rich connectivity and modular payload to advance your knowledge.

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