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Description: The “School in AI: Deep Learning, Vision and Language for Industry” is a new, intensive two-week training course at UNIMORE.

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After the first extremely successful edition in February, we are happy to announce the second edition of t he “School in AI: Deep Learning, Vision and Language for Industry”,  a new and intensive two-week training course at UNIMORE. It consists of a first week of “foundational” and a second week of “strengthening” AI training, followed by a practical experience, developing a project with the support of the course tutors and possibly in collaboration with companies.

The course is free for 30 graduated students and practitioners and entirely funded by the Emilia Romagna Region through the “Advanced Schools in Artificial Intelligence in Emilia-Romagna” project.

AI School is in partnership with  AIACADEMY , AIMAGELAB , Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center and hosted at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari