Description: Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO - AKEAmazan Resume / CV
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I'm AKE. I'm passionated Maps, GIS & Code. I currently work as Data Analyst and Country Manager for miKollect , located in Lomé. I am looking to take on more work and to increase my skills as a Data Analyst, Web and GIS Developer. I also work for clients on Web Apps (JavaScript, PHP..) and technologies related to Data Analysis and GIS ( Python, R)..
Pellentesque pellentesque, ipsum sit amet auctor accumsan, odio tortor bibendum massa, sit amet ultricies ex lectus scelerisque nibh. Ut non sodales.
Vivamus at molestie dui, eu ornare orci. Curabitur vel egestas dolor. Nulla condimentum nunc sit amet urna tempus finibus. Duis mollis leo id ligula pellentesque, at vehicula dui ultrices.