Description: La Oveja Negra Marina en Barcelona, mega taberna con pantallas gigantes, futbolines y delicias para noches únicas con tus amigos.
restaurantes (1117) bares (300) oveja negra barcelona (7) ovella negra (6) grup ovella negra (5) oveja negra la ovella negra l ovella negra ovella negra barcelona
Our schedule
From Sunday to Thursday from 17:00 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. Friday and Saturdays from 17:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m.
We could say that it is one of the few places in Barcelona where the young people who went yesterday are the parents of the young people who come today. It is surprising that, although time and different fashions have been happening, the old tavern has not changed one iota.