- Alain Lancelot - Alain Lancelot Conseil

Description: Alain Lancelot, Votre sophrologue et coach bien-être La notion de conscient ou d’inconscient et le lien entre le corps et l’esprit sont pour moi une source constante de curiosité et d’étude : quelle énergie interne nous pousse à réussir un jour et échouer le lendemain ?

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The notion of conscience or unconscience as well as the link between body and mind are for me a constant source of curiosity and study: what internal energy pushes us to s ucceed one day and fail the next ? Could it be that our thoughts directly affect our actions?

My research, encounters, and experiences, including now in Asia , made me realise that we are to a large extent responsible for these thoughts and their effects on our health, both physical and mental. When faced with this challenge, nature, and in particular forests , have always been a source of comfort for me, by turns confidants, accomplices, or protectors. Which one of us doesn’t have the picture of a tree or landscape anchored in their memory, as a serene and soothing place where it feels comforting t

Follow me along the paths of reconnection to find a life balance that resembles you. As I familiarised myself with the ancient Asian practices at the source of many of the wellness techniques used in the West today, it became clear to me that we are to a large extent responsible for our health, and that nature is the most suitable place to let go. taken, reconnect with our basic needs, and learn to be oneself. Along this page (book, advice, and videos), you will start to change your outlook on nature and it