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二四六香港资料期期中准 (31)

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We are a self-governing social organization composed of individuals who were associated with a number of Sandoz companies in the latter half of the 20th century, primarily in New Jersey, The names of these companies and their divisions included: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz-Wander, Inc. Sandoz Consumer Health, Ex-Lax Products, Sandoz Colors and Chemicals, Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz United States, Inc., Sandoz Research Institute, etc. 

These companies had been a part of the global Sandoz portfolio of businesses for the better part of the 1900s until the shareholders of both Swiss companies - Sandoz and CIBA-Geigy - decided to merge in 1997 to form Novartis.  Going forward, almost all their operating companies around the world adopted the Novartis name. Post-merger, one US campany (Geneva Pharmaceuticals) was renamed Sandoz.  The employees of this company are not in scope for our group because they are an entirely different population with

Our only focus is on the employees of the Sandoz companies in the US leading up to the merger: their memories, colleagues and friends. While many transitioned their Sandoz employment to a new Novartis company, many did not. Beyond the merger, many more have eventually left the Novartis company for retirement or empoyment elsewhere.  Our aim is to reconnect all these indiividuals with former collegues. Each year we sponsor a reunion luncheon in New Jersey for our members who can attend.