Description: Ash Trays, Baby Cups, Baking Dishes, Berry Spoons, Biscuit Boxes, Bon Bon Dishes, Bread Trays, Brush frames, Bun Warmers, Butter Dishes , Cake Stands, Candelabras, Candlesnuffers, Candlesticks, Carving Forks, Carving Knifes, Casserole Dishes, Casserole Frames, Castor Frames, Celery Trays, Chafing Dishs, Chambersticks, Champagne Cooleres, Cigarette Boxes, Clothes Brushes, Coasters, Cocktail Shakers, Coffee Pots, Coffee Urns, Cold Meat Forks, Comb Frames, Compotes, Creamers, Crumb Scrapers, Epergnes, Flower/B
chicago (6216) silver (2772) silver plating (24) silver repair (6)
Al Bar - Wilmette Platers has been providing silver plating, restoration and repair on fine pieces of sterling and silver plate for nearly 100 years. Our craftsmen at Al Bar-Wilmette take pride in their work – we have a comprehensive staff with years of experience that we consider second to none. Our on staff experts are trained in the detail of casting, repair, polishing, and plating - all elements required to complete your project.
We also have a team of artisans dedicated to the restoration and preservation of antique door hardware, lighting and other household items. Please visit our website to see our other services offered at .
We look forward to assisting you in the restoration or your family treasures & heirlooms. Please feel free to contact us directly if you need additional information.