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Example domain paragraphs

In a world where conflicts are raging, poverty and hunger are increasing, and inequalities are deepening, the opening sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights," is as important today as it was 75 years ago says the UN ??ݮֱ?? for Human Rights Day (10 December). This landmark document, which enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being, will be commemorated with a in Geneva and several celebrations

10 December 2023 ?? The UN ??ݮֱ?? on Sunday pledged that he would ??not give up?? on appealing for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, adding that inaction on the Security Council was...

9 December 2023 ?? Nearly $7 trillion of public and private finance each year supports activities that directly harm nature ?C some 30 times the amount spent on nature-based solutions annually,...