- Aleem Bawany - web development, technology and the rest | tech, web and the rest

Description: The Platform Strategy is a potent one if you can get it right. Typically, a platform allows other platforms to be built on top of it and is prone to disruption.

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tech, web and the rest

The Platform Strategy is a potent one if you can get it right. Typically, a platform allows other platforms to be built on top of it and is prone to disruption. Web Browsers have the potential to disrupt the operating system underneath. Similarly, Adobe Flash has the potential to disrupt the core browser underneath. Apple is seeking to build a platform that is open to contribution but closed to disruption. The company has shown this intent by blocking Flash and Java. It is now setting out to do the same wit

Usability and accessibility go hand in hand. Usually this is because something that’s built to be highly user-friendly is generally also accessible to handicapped persons, or for that matter, even handicapped devices. A tea cup without a a handle is not user-friendly, nor is it accessible. It might be chic, but that’s about it. For similar reasons, it’s a bad idea to change around hyperlink colors and styles. Continued  →

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