- Alessio Mansutti

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I am an Assistant Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute. Previously, I was a Research Associate in the Automated Verification Group of the University of Oxford. I hold a PhD degree from ENS Paris-Saclay, where I was a student of Stéphane Demri and Étienne Lozes in the Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification.

Below, you will find a summary of current and past projects. All my papers are available here .

Integer programming is the problem of finding an (optimal) solution to a system of linear inequalities over the integers. Feasibility of such systems can be solved in NP, practical algorithms exists and are routinely used to solve scheduling and network problems. Several non-linear extensions of integer programming are known to be decidable, but their computational complexity is unknown and algorithms are largely unrefined. This project aims at tackling these problems, providing novel algorithms and complex

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