- Alexis Ashot

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Alexis Ashot is an independent consultant and art expert. He advises individual and institutional clients in the authentication, attribution, valuation and sale of works of art, in all categories but with a special emphasis on Old Master paintings. 

He read Art History under T.J. Clark and Andrew Stewart at UC Berkeley, graduating summa cum laude in 2006, with an Honors Thesis on self-portraiture in the art of Ingres and Delacroix. As a finalist for the University Medal, and Valedictorian for the History of Art Department, he received the highest honours awarded, respectively, by the University and by the Department in his graduating class, including the Departmental Citation and the Maybelle B. Toombs Award. 

An Open Scholar at University College London, he completed the MA in the History of Print, led by Tom Gretton and Antony Griffiths in The British Museum, co-curating the exhibition Tradition Aside: Slade Printmakers of the 1960s (Strang Print Room, May 2007).