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Description: Al-Geel Trading Co. was founded in 1995 as the first Egyptian Company in the Biomedical Testing and quality assurance business in the medical field with an ISO 17025 accredited Calibration Lab.

medical equipment (782) medical training (81) medical training equipment (4) distribution of medical equipment (3) biomedical test equipment (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Al-Geel Trading Co. was founded in 1995 as the first Egyptian Company in the Biomedical Testing and quality assurance business in the medical field with an ISO 17025 accredited Calibration Lab. After more than 25 years of experience in the distribution of Medical Equipment, Biomedical Test Equipment and Training Equipment, AL-Geel Trading CO. has earned the confidence and patronage of its clients to merit Leadership in these highly specialized and professional fields. The company bears the responsibility of

Al-Geel Trading Co., is continually diversifying its activities towards the high technology sectors faced with the changing demands of the market.