- Alison Cromie - Minnesota Singer Songwriter

Description: Alison Cromie is a singer-songwriter from minnesota who writes music in the folk genre and has just recently started writing music for kids.

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Alison Cromie is a singer-songwriter from Farmington Mn who has dabbled in many music styles including Folk, Classical, and, more recently, Kids Music. She is a child at heart loves making kids laugh. Her songs are silly and sweet and are sure to make children (and their grownups), sing, dance, and laugh along. Music For Everyone Under The Sun by Alison Cromie Now Available! Alison's First Kids Album

On April 29th at the St. Paul Art Crawl. Alison released her first album of kids music. On this album you'll find songs that are downright silly to a sweet lullaby that would calm anyone. The CD is available for purchase in person at shows, or as a digital download from any of your favorite streaming sites.