- Allday Golden Retrievers, Selma Alabama - Home

Description: Allday Golden Retrievers

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Allday Golden Retrievers began around 20 years ago or so due to the love we had for our first golden retriever Mickey but mostly because of his love for us. There simply are no words to describe the magnitude a golden's love and intuition. He tiptoed around our children when they were babies and was careful not to bump them when they were just beginning to walk. He tip-toed around his puppies and cleaned their bottoms just like their mother did. He never bit our children or any of their friends. Golden's ar

When Mickey grew up, we decided that golden retrievers were just too special to keep all to ourselves, so I continued to research the breed, then selected Mickey a girlfriend, and Allday Golden Retrievers was launched. Since then we have placed many wonderful goldens with many wonderful families all across the southeast - as far north as Pennsylvania, as far west as California and Hawaii and as far south as Miami, Florida. Even England.

Please browse our website, subscribe to our newsletter, and take a look at the pictures of our adult goldens, happy clients and puppies from throughout the years. Also, please click the link (Bottom Right) " Is a Golden for Me ".