I’ll never forget it. Mom and Dad sat down with my brother and I and shared what God put on their heart. We had to sell our home, leave our friends, leave our school, and leave everything that was safe to pursue the dream God had for our family and for our city. Yes, we were only moving from the east side of town to the west side of town, but to a young boy, we might as well have been moving to Africa. I cried. I didn’t fully understand. It was difficult. But reflecting back now, I am so thankful my parents
Today, you’ve heard me say “yes” a lot….but my first big yes was then, at 10 years old. Since then, it’s been yes after yes after yes. And here we are today, 30 years later, and God is asking us to dream again. To be honest, the safe thing would be to stay where we are, after all, we are pretty comfortable. But I believe God created us to be pioneers, not settlers. I also believe this dream isn’t just about us. God has called us to a city, and with that comes great responsibility. We are responsible for the
In the following pages you can read about the dream God has put in our heart. It will require sacrifice. It will require work. It will have plenty of challenges. But it will be worth it! Our yes will help us in 3 strategic areas: Engaging our community, Equipping the next generation, and creating an environment where everyONE can Encounter Jesus. Will you say yes? Will you go ALL IN? My family went all in when I was 10 years old. Today, Lisa and I have 3 girls and our youngest is 10. One of the joys of my h