- All Over The House – The daily comedy, law and politics comic

Description: Yes Minister for the Internet age. A free daily comic full of jokes, satire, politics and law. Written and drawn by the creator of the first British web comic.

uk (35573) law (5417) comedy (4729) politics (4190) humor (2932) comic (2411) funny (1990) british (1747) humour (887) webcomic (610)

Example domain paragraphs

You may have noticed that the site went offline for a couple of weeks. This was due to an update to WordPress that was incompatible with the plugin we’ve been using to provide easy navigation for All Over the House comics since we first launched the site, back in 2009. Apparently the plugin hasn’t been… Read more

We’d just like to say a big thank you to Chief89, who has generously sponsored us on Patreon. Chief89 is helping us to keep going with our comics; and we really appreciate it. Thank you!

Films are great. Films are so great, in fact, that I’ve made a few myself because I enjoy film so much. But you know what’s not always great? The Internet – and that got me thinking: what if some of the major films of history were re-made to be about the Internet. What would a… Read more