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Join the Ally Science community and contribute your anonymised data to Switzerland's biggest study on pollen allergies. Conducted by the University Hospital Zurich, it is only possible with the help of hay fever sufferers from all regions of Switzerland, including you.

Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH and University Hospital Zurich (USZ) are launching the free smartphone app Ally Science. It forms part of the largest ever scientific study into pollen allergies to be carried out in Switzerland. The easy-to-use app, available in all four national languages and English, allows allergy sufferers to keep a record of their condition. Users also receive pollen forecasts and an exclusive representation of the current development of allergy symptoms in the different regions

At the peak of the 2018 pollen season, the novel Ally Science research platform has been launched: pollen allergy sufferers enter their allergy symptoms via a smartphone app; the anonymized data flow into allergy research. The longterm aim is to establish a platform for environmental epidemiology and early warning systems for pollen allergy sufferers. The project got off to a successful start: In the first phase of the project, almost 8’000 people participated and entered more than 24’000 symptom entries ov