- Alma Cantu

Example domain paragraphs

My research topic is about the visualization of huge and complex dataset by taking into account the perceptual limitations of users that I mainly conduct thanks to the application field of electronic intelligence . As such I am interested in perceptive and cognitive research; in multidimensional and temporal aspect of visualization and in characterisation studies to understand the mechanisms behind visualizations. Simultaneously, this work allows me to adapt existing visualisations for electronic intelligen

I am graduated from the HCI master of Paul Sabatier University , cohabitated with the ENAC (the French school of civil aviation). Prior to my graduation I studied mathematics, computer science and computer graphic at Paul Sabatier University and at Linkoping University during a year abroad. Learn more on my LinkedIn profile .

I have started my PhD on February 2015 and as such I aim to defend my thesis before the end of January 2018. I am looking for opportunities to conduct research on visualisation of complex dataset whether in academic or industrial environment. My research interests are about the visualization of huge and complex dataset by taking into account the perceptual limitations of users. As such I am interested in perceptive and cognitive research; in multidimensional and temporal aspect of visualization and in chara