- English alphabet online. All languages without install. Publish on web.

Description: English alphabet online. All languages without install. Publish on web.

latin (1310) keyboard (1189) cyrillic (19) all languages (6)

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Alphabet (Greek ἀλφάβητος), also an slot alphabet - a form of written language, based on the standard character set . In the alphabet individual characters - letters - represent the phonemes of language, although one correspondence ↔ letter sound is rare and has a habit of being lost in the process of development of spoken language . The alphabet is different from the pictographic ( ideographic ) writing, where the signs indicate the concept ( Sumerian cuneiform ) , and morphemic and logographic writing, wh

Consonant - vocalic alphabets - letters denote the vowels and consonants ;

Consonant alphabets - letters denote only the consonants , vowels can be marked by a special system of diacritical marks ( vowels ) ;