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Communication is one of the keys to a functional and fulfilling life. Indeed, in our waking lives, we spend 70-80% of our time engaged in some form of communication!

Over the course of human history, verbal and written communication has enriched understanding and exchanges between cultures. Our world consists of nearly 7,000 languages. However, the complexity inherent to languages often poses obstacles to our ability to connect to those with different linguistic backgrounds.

At Alpha Translation Services, we are passionate about helping businesses and individuals break through these barriers, to connect cultures via a medium of communication for people who speak and write in different languages. Translation of ancient texts in Chaldean, Greek Hebrew, and Latin are of a special interest to us though several orations contained therein such as " Assaylemath, Assay, Lemath, Azzabue. Azzaylemath, Lemath, Azacgessenio. Lemath, Sabanche, Ellithy, Aygezo " will not be understood in any