- Al-Qussie International Co.

Example domain paragraphs

Green Lounges

Foundation : Al-Qussie International Co. was founded in  1401H corresponding to 1981AD to carry out the works  of constructions, operation, and maintenance. Classifiation : Al-Qussie International Co. is classifid  in many activities according to Saudi Classifiation

Bows is the plural of “Bow” and synonymous with the word “Arch’s”  It was taken from the Hadith of Utbah Bin Abi Sufyan’s .  utbah said: “ The Arabs have words that are thinner than air, and fresher than  water. Lunged their gullets as arrows lunges from their bows with combined  words, if they are misinterpreted, they lose their meanings, and if they are  replaced, they are diffiult to understand. Their words are delusionally easy  to guess if they are heard. And they are not easily accessible if requested

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