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The 57-member neural necromancers ITCHY-O have returned to unleash “ SYPHERLOT/HALLOWMASS 2020”, a double-live album recorded during the chaos collective’s groundbreaking 2020 drive-in concert series.

It was against this backdrop of isolation and suspended reality that ITCHY-O  heeded the call for a radical evolution in shared catharsis and new sonic experiments: Short-band radio broadcast turned each car interior into a private listening experience for a post-apocalyptic simulation, while roving bands of mysterious beings opened a temporary escape portal with contactless chaos, engulfing each and every vehicle in rite and ritual for the ages.

As the blaring car horns attested, these incredible live performances delivered a needed spirit-lift in the absence of concerts as we knew them amidst shuttered music venues, lighting a proverbial – and literal – torch during one of the darkest moments of modern history.