Description: Marlon Magdalena is a Native American artist, educator, and performer from the Pueblo of Jemez in New Mexico. He performs with Native American Style flutes of his own making and some made by other makers. He is also the Instructional Coordinator at the Jemez Historic Site where he educates the public about his culture.
artist (37428) native american (590) flutes (92) native american flute (62) native american flutes (37) indian flute (22) jemez (8) native-made (5) jemez pueblo (5) indian flutes (2)
is a Native American artist, educator, and performer from the Pueblo of Jemez in New Mexico. He performs with Native American Style flutes of his own making and some made by other makers. He is also the Instructional Coordinator at the Jemez Historic Site where he educates the public about his culture.
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Marlon is also the President of the Jemez Arts and Crafts Association