Description: I am a professional art therapist, which means I am engaged in psychological correction of the emotional state children and adults. It is the use and application of art and creativity. Methods art. Therapies allow a child and an adult to create their own creative product. It can be a drawing or a fairy tale, a sculpted figure, a collage or even a dance.
drawings (2135) collage (1781) art therapy sessions (2) working with metaphorical cards (1) work with sand (1) creation of fairy tales (1) creativity using natural materials (1) clay plastic (1)
This site will help you to understand the Art Therapy , explain its purpose and possibilities.
I am Alena Baskin, a certified Art Therapist and owner of the clinic called Amber Space . I am a mother of three wonderful girls, a teacher with over 20 years of experience, and the author of articles and children's books. I am also the author of teaching aids and games, which are used to work with children and adults.
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