- Americans for Innovation

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Jan. 27, 2022 —The self-identified Sephardic* rabbinical Burla family has been near royalty in Palestine since the 1700s. They conspired with the bankers Rothschild, Churchills and the "Board of Deputies of British Jews" in the mid-1800s to make Israel a British colony masquerading as a Jewish state.

* Likely Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans , disguised as Yiddish-speaking Talmudic Ashkenazi-Sephardic rabbis who are actually Turkic, Sogdian, Persian, Chinese DNA from the Silk Road, not Hebrew blood from Israel.

Zionism was a wholly British creation. The Burla rabbis had often written romantically about a re-formed Zion (Eretz Israel), so the British Rothschilds funded developments of all kinds in Palestine with the proviso that the British were in charge.