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1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna Posts Tech Scribblings Clicks Archive How to publish an external video to Twitter — Node.js version How does image or video  publishing generally work with Twitter API?

The way image or video can be published on twitter involves more than a single step. First, you have to upload a media to twitter using Upload API. This returns a media id for the uploaded media. Now, in the second step you have to call Twitter’s API to Publish a new tweet. While calling this API you will need to specify the media id, so that twitter includes the uploaded media with this tweet. Below is the API to Publish a new tweet.

POST statuses/update Updates current status of the user with new status or tweet also known as Tweeting. Apps can publish tweets for authenticated user using this API.