- Amitia AI | Your partner for AI solution

Description: Our mission is to provide services related to the development and integration of artificial intelligence in a variety of fields spanning from factory production processes to solutions for healthcare or agriculture.

Example domain paragraphs

AUTOMATed DOCUMENT PROCESSING Our goal is to help our customers achieve a paperless office by digitizing documents, automatically processing and mining invoices, receipts, contracts and more using AI approaches and crowdsourcing where needed. We know how to sensitively transform your processes into modern online form.

Production planning, quality control, supply chain management, diagnostics for equipment maintenance, digital twins. Those and many others are areas where AI can contribute to improve your business.  We analyze our clients’ needs, design custom solutions and implement them.

Data analyses Data driven decision making. We help our customers to understand their data in order to support their decision making processes. Who are your customers? What are their shopping preferences? When and what are they purchasing? How do sales depend on various factors? What are the factors that influence motivation of your staff? Those and many others are questions that our data analysts can help you to answer.

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